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Mission and Vision

Lenape Tech will develop the foundation for students to succeed in an ever-changing, technological world by providing an active learning environment which will lead to a prosperous and rewarding future for self, family, and community.

At Lenape Tech:

  • We believe in preparing students to be the kind of citizens who strive to develop personal skills which will lead to gainful employment, who lead when called upon, and who support the achievement of goals common to all;
  • We believe that students who plan to enter the workforce should be treated as adults throughout their school experience that feature practical application of concepts, teamwork on projects, and adapting and applying technology;
  • We believe that students must be prepared to relate the demands of the workplace to their expectations as a family member, and;
  • We believe the inevitability of change in the workplace serves as a constant reminder to the students that their skills must be continually upgraded and their attitudes toward learning must be positive.