January 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Lenape Technical School has received approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to utilize Flexible Instruction Days or FID’s. These are remote instruction days in which students will work from home. Lessons are designed to approximate a full instructional day of learning activities and count toward the number of instructional days/hours required under Article 15 of the Public-School Code and Chapter 11 of the state Board of Education regulations. FIDs are designed to provide a continuity of instruction in the event that a regularly scheduled school day is cancelled (primary due to weather closures).
Please note that not all school cancellations will result in a Flexible Instruction Day being used. School administration will determine the appropriate use of these days with as much notice to parents as possible in addition to using regular snow days. Having utilized most of our available snow days at this point, all weather cancellations for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year will be Flexible Instruction Days.
Prior to the use of a Flexible Instruction Day, each teacher will post in the Microsoft Teams page for their courses a total of five (5) “Flex Day” folders, each containing learning activities and assignments equivalent to the amount of material that would be covered during a typical school day. Each teacher will review with their students the location of the folders and corresponding assignments, as well as student expectations when a Flex Day is initiated. Teachers will also create “Flex-Packs” which are paper copies of Flex Day assignments for students that do not have access to the internet or have limited technology.
In the event that a Flexible Instruction Day is going to be used, all student households will be notified of the school closure via our automated calling system, social media, news stations, the school website, and our email system. As long as the student completes their assignments posted for that day, students will receive credit for that school day.
Students will be expected to login to Teams by 9:20am on the morning of a FID day and follow their class schedule and complete their assignments according to the provided instructions from their teachers. There will not be TAP/CCR lessons during a FID day. Students and staff will logoff of Teams from 12:00pm and 12:40pm for lunch. The student-day will conclude at 2:20pm.
A detailed Parent-Guide to Flexible Instruction Days PowerPoint presentation is posted on our website under the “Parents” section.
Please refer to the online resources outlined above regarding specific information on how we will support students with disabilities as well as those with limited technology. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at gursjas@mylenape.net or at 724-763-7116 Ext. 3303.
Jason Gurski Ed. D.
Assistant Director/Principal