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Special Education Services

Prior to a student’s application, and as part of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), individual transition activities are implemented to assist the student and their IEP team to make an informed decision about career and technical education.

In addition to a tour of Lenape Technical School and shadowing in a specific career and technical program (s), students may participate in a vocational assessment that includes a series of hands-on tasks that measure functional abilities, an interest inventory, learning style assessment and student interview. If the student is unsure or undecided, and needs additional opportunities, they may participate in a work sample.  

Under the direction and supervision of the CTE teacher, the student observes the demonstrations of entry level skills they would be expected to perform in the CTE program, and then performs the skills themselves. These transition activities help the student to determine their interest in a particular career and technical program and provide the IEP team with information to help make placement decisions.

Students eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) fully participate in their CTE program and academic courses. The Bureau of Career and Technical Education tasks each student with the goal of being a “Completer,” specifically completing the task list within each program of study by graduation.